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Renewal Waiver Approved!

A TWO YEAR renewal fee waiver has been approved for most on sale license types (41, 42, 47, 48, 75 etc.) who were "ACTIVE" status in 2020 for renewals due March 31, 2021 - February 28, 2023. Please note: THIS IS NOT AUTOMATIC! You must submit the required form before your due date to avoid extra fees. Once you get your renewal notice, you can visit THIS SITE to get the waiver PDF application. We haven't submitted any of these yet, but please let us know if you have trouble when you try to. The system is new and we have a good contact with ABC for any tech issues.

Tiers & Cheers

With spring's blossoms we are also seeing restrictions ease and indoor dining reopen. If you've ever been in New York City on the first day of warm weather, you know it's the happiest, most joyful day of the year. I hope you're getting a taste of that rare delight as you reopen your dining rooms and invite guests to your tables.


Expansions, Condition Mods, Selling Your License

The Temp Expansion permits are getting approved quickly. If you still need to apply, read our blog for instructions or book the service HERE to have us handle it. A note that ABC has only promised to give us 10 days notice before they change the relief measures. If you currently have "off sales" restricted on your conditions and want to continue doing sales of sealed bottles of beer & wine after the plague, we should get a Condition Modification going at some point. Reply for help determining whether your "off sales" have been restricted so you know if this is your situation. And finally, I hope you know we are here for you at every step in the life of your business. If you are restructuring your ownership, pivoting to a different business model that requires different licensing or getting out altogether, we can help make the process as painless as possible. Please make us one of your first calls in figuring out what to do. We're committed to offering hospitality to you incredible hospitality professionals. If we can't help, we usually know someone who can.


Thank you for continuing to receive these love letters. Wishing you a most vibrant spring.

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