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It feels like a decade since we last sent one of these things but there is breaking news from the Dept. of ABC for all ON-SALE licensees in terms of what you can do during this crisis. Just going to be brief here. Reply or call if you have questions and take a look at the legalese here

  1. Returns of alcoholic beverages - wholesalers can (but are not required to) accept returns from retailers.

  2. Retail-to-retail transactions - off-sale licensees (20s and 21s) can purchase product from on-sale retailers (41, 42, 47, 48)

  3. Extension of credit - credit term rules are relaxed. It's up to the parties involved what terms are appropriate.

  4. On-sale retailers exercising off-sale privileges - THIS. 41 and 47 licensees CAN sell beer, wine & DISTILLED SPIRITS "to go" in manufacturer packages. (Need to confirm if this applies to Type 42 & 48, but possibly.)

  5. Sales of alcoholic beverages to go - restaurant licensees (41 & 47) can sell beer, wine, spirits, and COCKTAILS "to go" in containers with secure lids (no openings for sipping or straws) with food sales. **The below language must be posted prominently.

  6. Drive-thru windows for off-sale transactions - you can sell to patrons in vehicles.

  7. Deliveries to consumers - this is allowed when payments have been processed at the restaurant. IE. take cards in advance.

  8. Hours of operation for on-sale premises - all hourly restrictions are relaxed aside from the 2am - 6am state-wide restriction. 

**Language for restaurants selling pre-mixed drinks: Alcoholic beverages that are packaged by this establishment are open containers and may not be transported in a motor vehicle except in the vehicle’s trunk; or, if there is no trunk, the container may be kept in some other area of the vehicle that is not normally occupied by the driver or passengers (which does not include a utility compartment or glove compartment (Vehicle Code Section 23225)). Further, such beverages may not be consumed in public or in any other area where open containers are prohibited by law. We know more, much more, will be needed for us to emerge on the other side of this. These are temporary measures but they are nearly the full extent of what this agency can do right now and one of the miracles we've seen in this year of surprising, life-altering events. Truly want to thank the legislators for acting on this. And thanks NYC for setting a swift example. Sending you hospitality heroes all our love. You are not alone. 

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